Saving Money

Knowing how to make money is itself a challenge, but, saving it also takes know-how, finesse and guidance. To secure your retirement, it’s not enough to just learn to play the market and win; one must know how to save those winnings. Many of the articles in this section focus on how to plan for retirement with your investments; once you’ve mastered playing the stock market, you can put your hard-earned money to work for you. By the time each of us reaches adulthood, we have to stop and ask ourselves “When should I consider saving for retirement?” in order to plan for the future. By saving money now, you can approach your autumn years with a greater ease of mind. These articles serve to demonstrate how to plan for retirement with your investments so you can better shape your trading strategies, budget and lifestyle considerations and take control of your economic future.

5 Smart Things to Do with Your Tax Return

Everyone has heard that April showers bring May flowers. The old rhyme may predate the U.S. system of taxes, but…

Closing the Gap: How Women Should Save and Invest for Retirement

In spite of women's steadfast march toward equality, what has not changed much is their preparedness for retirement.  According the…

The Low-Down on the Market and Getting Out of Debt

So much about the stock market can put anyone with invested interests into a cold sweat.  Nearly every issue that…

What Can Compounding Interest do for Your Retirement and Savings?

While tens of millions of investors chase popular dividend names on Wall Street, exposing themselves to volatility and the subsequent…